I am currently going through a massive list extravaganza in preparation for the next stage in my life.

I am about to leave my home of 33 years, although I did have a wee break in the middle, as I am off to pastures new. I’m going to start new memories with my wee four-berth family unit. Actually, the cats count so that’s six.

It has been a very ‘interesting’ couple of weeks with mad dashes to the scanner to get the banal lawyer his documents we didn’t have (tsk tsk), time was crucial and fingers were wagged but we did it. The missives are signed for both purchase and sale so we can relax.

Well I say relax but I really mean you can have a seat…for five minutes.

Now that it’s official, we need to get ready. The angel on my left shoulder tells me everything will be fine and you can leave it all to the removal men, however the devil on my right is providing me little snippets of reminders every now and again. Remember this, remember that, remember to brush your teeth, remember to put clean pants on etc etc

As long as we all remember to leave the house with no-one locked inside and all our belongings get to our new address in one piece, that’s all that really matters isn’t it?

I start to twitch. No, this will not do. Before I know what I have done, I have started a list. And I can say it just as sultry as the M&S lady can say it too. My list is not just any ordinary list, it is a sumptuous list with lashings of exclamation marks, asterix’ (is it asteri then if its plural?), capital letters and EVEN highlighted pens. Oh yes, no expense spared! My list is the mother of all lists. It is so listy that even the queen of lists, Mary Berry, is impressed. Well she might be if she was ever to gaze into my lists dreamy eyes instead of making her fabulous cakes.

So, I’m off to saunter along with my incredible list, I may even add to it or tweak it here and there. I may even remove some items from it making it look smaller than it actually is as it fills me with pride that I am getting through it.

But then.

I would twitch again and I would need to write it out again so it was neat again…and small…and not quite finished yet.



  1. Author

    I will be back to annoy you all as soon as I can! I feel like I’m missing a limb, it’s been very quiet here. Just me and the council banging our heads together about drainage pipes 🙂

  2. I hope this isn’t just ‘cos I said I’d drop in for a cuppa. I mean, there’s no need to put another neighbourhood through it just for that. House prices are low enough as it is.
    I hope you enjoy wherever you’re moving too and that you’ll soon be back as a regular on our screens again.
    xxx Hug Galore xxx

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