Bedtime can be chaos. Tantrums, the audacity of guardians to pick the wrong colour of pyjamas or a lost Very Important Toy that you had no idea even existed before that moment, can turn the end of a fun day into hours of tears and frustration for everyone involved. My kids are in their teens now (a different kind of strop altogether) so I can relate to all those out there who deal with Bed Time. The struggle is real. We’re all nodding.

Back when my kids were young, we’d sometimes watch CBeebies together. Derek Jacobi’s voice telling Iggle Piggle to go to bed was a firm favourite with my youngest. There we’d be all pressed together in the one chair (why would you need space to relax or use the sofa asks every two year-old at that time of night!) and I remember the look of awe on their post-bath sleepy faces as we’d watch ‘one last episode’ before clambering the stairs to read a book in bed after a busy day of toddler shenanigans.

As a parent I was always delighted to see familiar characters from the screen in books. A plus for us because it meant we could take our favourites with us on our adventures. Both book and dog-eared character toys were regularly dragged through mud and pushed down slides, all helping to nurture the start of the love of a good story. I lost count of replaced favourites but a chewed book always meant I was on to a winner.

I’m delighted that independent award-winning Scottish publisher Alan Windrum and his amazing team at Little Door Books are continuing on this path. With the publication of board books for the hit CBeebies series ‘Hushabye Lullabye‘, due to hit shelves on 4th June, join Dillie Dally as he flies among the stars and on to Planet Dream and all created by the wonderful Sacha Kyle,

For those parents and guardians who are weary at the end of the day, I hope this series of books help.

The kettle’s on and the biscuit tin is full of your favourites. Fill your boots. You’re doing an amazing job.

All book spreads, cover and information on the book provided by Alan Windram of Little Door Books.

1 Comment

  1. Ah… Derek Jacobi….. Such a soothing voice. Yip we still go back to the same books time and time again. Oldies but goodies…. Dogger, Alfie books and the odd Mr man

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