Paving The Way for Dyslexic Adults
We all know the stories of old. Vikings landing on our shores. Long ships filling harbours with strong, bold men as they step onto land with one thing on their mind. The villages and towns they visit are never quite the same after they leave, their parting gifts of death… more
Start As I Mean To Go On
I tend not to set any new year resolutions now. Without a doubt life will throw a massive curve ball my way and I’ll end up missing deadlines, forgetting something Very Important and generally feeling miserable for failing and it’s not even the 2nd January yet. Saying all that, there… more
My Year In Books
I read a lot of books. Picture books, middle grade novels, YA, crime… the list is endless but they’re worth every minute I spend devouring the words. Last year I was given a diary to record all the books I read, what I thought of them and comments I may… more