GDPR Compliance

From May 25th 2018, EU law requires anyone who holds personal data and information to comply with the new General Data Protection Regulation.

In terms of relevance to this blog, and how you, my reader, interacts with it and me, please know the following:

When you leave a comment, WordPress stores your gravatar name, IP Address, comment, and email address. Therefore, leaving a comment is considered a clear affirmative, specific, and unambiguous action as defined by the GDPR giving me consent to store this information, and permission to contact you in the future by email.

Your personal information will not be sold or shared with any third parties under any circumstances. Your information shall be retained until you unsubscribe or ask me to remove your data. If you feel your data has been misused, you have a right to complain to the ICO (Information Commissioner’s Office – in the UK. Other countries have data protection supervisory authorities). If you do not consent to the above, please don’t leave a comment.

For further information on how WordPress stores and uses your data, click here.

Children and minors:

It is not my intention to collect data from people who are underage. If, unknown to me – because a minor has clicked the link to subscribe or follow me – I have collected the data of a minor, and you, being their parent or guardian, feel concerned, please contact me so that I can delete this data immediately.