Another Sunday morning and after numerous games of chess, draughts, I-spy and putting the world to rights Broadley style, my wee rugrats have finally succumbed to the chill out zone (aka the sofa). Now that I have some time, I can reflect on a wee party we attended last night.
Getting involved in school events is a bit like a rock and a hard place – you really want to help out but you either don’t have the time or sometimes sadly the inclination or enthusiasm.
Anyway, I helped along with all the other usual suspects. And what a great night it was. For all those who haven’t been to a ceilidh before, if you need a great way to get your kids tired in the hope of that ever elusive lie in, then this is the event for you. It was great to see so many in kilts, the effort made by all was fantastic. Some times ceilidh’s can be a hit or a miss, but the parents and kids who came along put our fears to rest and the dance floor was busy all night.
The makeshift bar went down ‘a wee treat’ and was dry by the end of the night, surely a good sign that the adults had as much fun as the kids! Needless to say the tuck shop had a steady stream of eager kids waiting for the sugar hit from all the goodies – well, if you can’t give them sweeties on a Saturday night then when can you?
In true event style, I asked a ‘panel of experts’ (N and C to all that know them) to sum up their experience of the night, so here you have it:
So tell me Mstr N and Mstr C, what did you think of the Ceilidh last night?
Wee N – ‘I thought it was good and it was really good dancing. I got some pennies from you and Dad and I bought some sweets. I liked wearing my kilt but half way along the road it nearly fell down and I had to pull it up. It was really fun but I lost on ‘Heads and Tails’ and ‘Coin Roll’ and I was quite sad at those two games. But we got to run around and it was great fun.’
Wee C – ‘My good thing was that the sweeties were so chewy I got to suck them. When I was wearing my kilt I thought I looked like a girl but I do like wearing it. I danced with my cousin C but I was quite squished.’
And there we have it folks. Ceilidh’s rock – as do the sweets, kilts and games. Sorted.
Next up – the May Fair…help ma boab!
love the wee C – I looked like a girl LMAO