I have finished my latest read. Songs Of The Sea God is a brilliant tale of woe, island life and death all rolled into one neat package. It’s not a very long book compared to others I have read, so in my usual alien speed-reading ability I reached the end this afternoon.  I was left feeling slightly forlorn for the people inhabited with all that mess but what a way to end it all.

The main character, a mute dwarf called Bes’ twist at the end was one that I did not see coming I actually had Tyrion Lannister, the hard-done by wayward son in Game Of Thrones in my head all along, only to be thwarted by the last few pages. A fantastic way to end a dark and yet endearing story of life on a remote island subject to the enchantments of the sea and what might end up on its shores.

When it came to Chris Hill’s descriptions of the islanders involved and the ambiance the story provides, my mind wandered from Ponyo, the enchanting child thrown from the sea into the big bad world as a human, to the drug-enhanced mystical world of Willy Wonka and his amazing factory. Dr Who then came to life as all things mysterious were left unexplained – thankfully no weeping angels though, so I was able to blink as I read.

Anyway, it’s a fascinating story that you won’t regret giving up your precious time to read.

Here’s my Goodread review – https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/631720285

Happy reading!


  1. Thanks Sarah – great review – I don’t think I’ve had Sea God compared to Dr Who before, and I hadn’t heard of Ponyo. It has previously been compared to the Wicker Man though – I like the fact it echoes all these different things for people, I suppose it might be because the story is quite elemental and deals with some quite basic themes which thred themselves through all kinds of different fiction.

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