It’s official. I have finally made up my mind about my resolutions and the new year ahead.

I am not a fortune teller. I don’t hold the secrets of success and happiness within me but I know what I need to do this coming year if I have any chance of finishing my WIPs. And yes, that is plural. Looking through my computer files there are three stories that fall into the category of ‘nearly finished but not quite there’ and another couple that fall into the ‘part 1 is in this folder and the other parts are away on holiday somewhere nice and warm’.

I need to take control of my addictive procrastination personality and tell it to jog on and find someone else to distract. I remember the buzz I felt doing NaNoWriMo and if I have any chance of completing, even just one of them in this new year, I need to get back on that fantastic band wagon once again.

I LOVED NaNoWriMo. I loved the feeling it gave me when I checked my word count each day. I loved the fantastic NanoBean community I had found myself a member of. Like-minded people doing the same thing as me and not freaking out about it if they didn’t make it to 50k. Of course, that was before the lurgy crept into our house and flattened us all with one almighty sneeze.  I may have only completed 11,000 words of a new story in a few weeks and missed the jackpot but if I’m honest with myself 11,000 would’ve taken me months. So I’m going for it.

I’m going to start tomorrow – January 1st 2016.

Here’s my plan.

I’m going to do JaNoWriMo and then FebNoWriMo and so on. No, it’s not an official anything, it’s my own made up thing of tricking my mind into thinking it’s November again. If I don’t succeed in January then I’ll carry on into February and so on. I can do this.

Nano Part II – The Year of the WriMo!  Who’s with me?



  1. Sarah, lovely idea; would love to do this with you. Could start in Feb?

    1. I’ll be doing it all year so feel free to join in! Stuck to my 1,000 words a day so far – day 6 today!

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