My wee rugrat had a bump on the head. Well, I don’t mean a ‘there, there, you will be fine – now get outside and play’ kind of bump, I mean a ‘Holy Coo must not cry but get ambulance as quick as I can’ kind of bump. Needless to… more

What a great way to spend a Thursday morning. I was invited into the unknown and secret world (wee C’s words not mine) of a primary 1 class. My mission, that I daringly chose to accept, was to read to his class as part of book week. So, I arrived,… more

Well, here I am! I have finally decided to get serious about getting my work published. From now on slush piles are a thing of the past! I write poems (well rhyming stories really) and  I would like to think that all those amazing authors out there started out the… more