
I think there comes a point in your life that you need to evaluate where you have been, where you are going and where you hope to be. I have so many ideas flying about my head now regarding potential books that I would never have thought about before or even considered writing as they are not my genre.

Personally, I blame my 9 cyber friends (yeh, you know who you are) – I joined their merry clan and we created what I can only describe as the most dark, zombie-filled, siren festive story I have ever had the pleasure of being involved in. http://www.kseniaanske.com/blog/2012/12/10/bloody-santa-vs-zombie-siren-chapter-7.html, the scary thing is I wrote chapter 8 and the goose bumps are rising, as I am next to have my section entered online. Not one for the kids I might add lol.

That sounds great I hear you say but I am now left with the quandary of whether I continue on this fantastic sinister road or do I go back to the fluffiness that is writing for children. My hands are up in fake surrender as those who know me, know that I love to read crime and post-mortem type books.

Maybe 2013 is the year that I go all out and write my first crime novel, filling my daily life with gore, crime and all things blood-soaked? Or do I meander through the fun-filled path where I left off writing for children? Or maybe both?

So, I sit here and procrastinate again *sigh*. Possible New Years resolution: must not procrastinate so much, get my finger out and MAKE A DECISION 🙂 Easy now, one thing at a time lol.

Maybe’s aye, maybe’s naw.

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