Games up the pole. Dummy’s oot the pram. I’m getting my ba’ and goin’ in.

D-day has now passed and all of these saying sum up how I feel after I failed my task. As you may be aware, I set myself a little book challenge way back on 5th of January

The goal was to read 15 books in 26 days. I didn’t quite make it. But I had a fantastic time doing it and I got to ‘meet’ some new authors that I will definitely be going back to. There is nothing quite like a recommended book that lives up to its hype and then some.

I let the team down and I only have myself to blame. However, I will not chastise myself too much as I am still working my way through the book list. I did after all read 7 out of 15, which isn’t too shabby if I do say so myself.  Once I have completed said list I will let you know who ranked highest and who should be on the nearest slush pile according to Great Big Jar that is!

I can say that The Impossible Dead by Ian Rankin is leading the way so far followed very closely by A Gathering Light by Jennifer Connelly…watch this space.

I still don’t want to see the movie Life of Pi before I read the book – so the onus is on me to get that sorted. Get on with it procrastinator of the year!

I’m off now on my hot date with Bill Bryson and his book ‘Mother Tongue’ (in a non hot date kind of way of course). It’s been a great read so far and full of his much-loved humour and wit that he is renowned for – a pleasant change for my frazzled book-filled mind to cope with.

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